Голосовое управление с Siri
Siri является интеллектуальной системой и способна распознавать команды в контексте свободно сказанной фразы. Однако, неизвестно, будет ли Siri когда-нибудь понимать русский язык. После запуска покомандовать смартфоном удастся только на английском.
Для управления функциями iPhone доступно довольно много возможностей. Кроме стандартных: совершения звонков, отправки SMS и сообщений на электронную почту, планирования встреч и составления заметок – Siri также может помочь осуществить поиск в интернете и даже выполнять сложные вычисления.
Во всей красе возможности, открывающиеся пользователю iPhone вместе с Siri, демонстрирует следующий рекламный ролик. Есть, конечно, сомнения, как система справится со сложными оборотами речи и не надоест ли со временем управлять смартфоном одним и тем же набором фраз, если такой набор вдруг окажется небольшим.
Кстати, о фразах. Портал TUAW.com собрал и опубликовал примеры построения фраз, которые Siri распознает точно. Из списка видно, сколько возможностей открывается пользователю с голосовым управлением и что одну и ту же команду можно отдать разными способами.
Address Book
Querying Contacts
- What’s Michael’s address?
- What is Susan Park’s phone number?
- When is my wife’s birthday?
- Show Jennifer’s home email address
Finding Contacts
- Show Jason Russell
- Find people named Park
- Who is Michael Manning?
- My mom is Susan Park
- Michael Manning is my brother
- Call my brother at work
Adding Events
- Set up a meeting at 9
- Set up a meeting with Michael at 9
- Meet with Lisa at noon
- Set up a meeting about hiring tomorrow at 9am
- New appointment with Susan Park Friday at 3
- Schedule a planning meeting at 8:30 today in the boardroom
Changing events
- Move my 3pm meeting to 4:30
- Reschedule my appointment with Dr. Manning to next Monday at 9am
- Add Lisa to my meeting with Jason
- Cancel the budget review meeting
Asking about events
- What does the rest of my day look like?
- What’s on my calendar for Friday?
- When is my next appointment?
- When am I meeting with Michael?
- Where is my next meeting?
Setting Alarms
- Wake me up tomorrow at 7am
- Set an alarm for 6:30am
- Wake me up in 8 hours
- Change my 6:30 alarm to 6:45
- Turn off my 6:30 alarm
- Delete my 7:30 alarm
Checking the Clock
- What time is it?
- What time is it in Berlin?
- What is today’s date?
- What’s the date this Saturday?
Using a Timer
- Set the timer for ten minutes
- Show the timer
- Pause the timer
- Resume
- Reset the timer
- Stop it
Sending Messages
- Email Lisa about the trip
- Email Jennifer about the change in plans
- New email to Susan Park
- Mail Dad about the rent check
- Email Dr. Manning and say I got the forms, thanks
- Mail Lisa and Jason about the party and say I had a great time
Checking Messages
- Check email
- Any new email from Michael today?
- Show new mail about the lease
- Show the email from Lisa yesterday
Responding to Messages
- Reply Dear Susan sorry about the late payment
- Call him at work
Checking Up on Friends
- Where’s Jason?
- Where is my sister?
- Is my wife at home?
- Where are all my friends?
- Who is here?
- Who is near me?
- How do I get home?
- Show 1 Infinite Loop Cupertino California
- Directions to my dad’s work
Local Businesses
- Find coffee near me
- Where is Starbucks?
- Find some burger joints in Baltimore
- Find a gas station within walking distance
- Good Mexican restaurants around here
Sending Texts
- Tell Susan I’ll be right there
- Send a message to Jason Russell
- Send a message to Lisa saying how about tomorrow
- Tell Jennifer the show was great
- Send a message to Susan on her mobile saying I’ll be late
- Send a message to 408 555 1212
- Text Jason and Lisa where are you?
Reading Texts
- Read my new messages
- Read it again
Replying to Texts
- Reply that’s great news
- Tell him I’ll be there in 10 minutes
- Call her
- Play The Light of the Sun
- Play Trouble
- Play Taking Back Sunday shuffled
- Play Alicia Keys
- Play some blues
- Play my party mix
- Shuffle my roadtrip playlist
- Play
- Pause
- Skip
Creating and finding notes
- Note that I spent $12 on lunch
- Note: check out that new Alicia Keys album
- Find my restaurant note
- Create a reading list note
- Add Tom Sawyer to my reading list note
Phone calls
- Call Jason
- Call Jennifer Wright mobile
- Call Susan on her work phone
- Call 408 555 1212
- Call home
- FaceTime Lisa
Requesting reminders
- Remind me to call mom
- Remind me to call my mom when I get home
- Remember to take an umbrella
- Remind me take my medicine at 6am tomorrow
- Remind me to pick up flowers when I leave here
- Remind me when I leave to call Jason
- Remind me to finish the report by 6
Checking Stocks
- What’s Apple’s stock price?
- What is Apple’s PE ratio?
- What did Yahoo close at today?
- How is the Nikkei doing?
- How are the markets doing?
- What is the Dow at?
Checking the Forecast
- What’s the weather for today?
- What’s the weather for tomorrow?
- Will it rain in Cupertino this week?
- Check next week’s forecast for Burlington
- What’s the forecast for this evening?
- How’s the weather in Tampa right now?
- How hot will it be in Palm Springs this weekend?
- What’s the high for Anchorage on Thursday?
- What’s the temperature outside?
- How windy is it out there?
- When is sunrise in Paris?
Looking up information
- Search the web for Bora Bora
- Search for vegetarian pasta recipes
- Search the web for best cable plans
- Google the war of 1812
- Search Wikipedia for Abraham Lincoln
- Search for news about the World Cup
- Bing Alicia Keys
Using Wolfram Alpha
- How many calories in a bagel?
- What is an 18% tip on $86.74 for four people?
- Who’s buried in Grant’s tomb?
- How long do dogs live?
- What is the Gossamer Condor?
- What’s the square root of 128?
- How many dollars is €45?
- What was the Best Picture of 1983?
- How many days until Christmas?
- How far away is the Sun?
- When is the next solar eclipse?
- Show me the Orion constellation
- What’s the population of Jamaica?
- How high is Mt. Everest?
- How deep is the Atlantic ocean?
- What’s the price of gasoline in Chicago?